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Young Adults

It is always Christ who sends. But whom does he send? You young people, are the ones he looks upon with love. Christ who says: 'follow me', want you to live you lives with a sense of vocation. He wants your lives to have a precise meaning and dignity .
- St. John Paul II

In Latin, Corda means “hearts” or “of the heart”. As such, CORDA is a fitting name for the young adults event series hosted by the Cathedral Basilica. Through these events, we seek to build Catholic community that feeds the heart through camaraderie and friendship right in the heart of Denver! CORDA events are intended for adults 18 – 30’s. During the academic year (Sep-May), join us for monthly swing dance nights, bi-monthly trivia nights, bi-monthly formation nights (Pints with a Priest), or the bible study held during Lent.

CORDA 2024-25.jpg

Join the CORDA group on our Flocknote to receive event reminders in your inbox.

Join the CORDA Facebook group for more details about events and to connect with other participants.

Check the events calendar to view CORDA events and other special events held at the Cathedral.

Image by Nima Sarram

Auraria Catholic Club

St. Elizabeth of Hungary is the Catholic Parish on the Auraria Higher Education Campus in downtown Denver.  Because of our unique location on the campus, which is home to the University of Colorado DenverMetropolitan State University of Denver, and the Community College of Denver, St. Elizabeth’s is here to serve the students, faculty, and staff of the largest college campus in the state.

There is a regular schedule of liturgies throughout the week in which we welcome members of the campus community. FOCUS missionaries have a presence at St. Elizabeth’s as well. All are welcome to come join us and get involved.


To create a safe environment within the Church for our kids, the Catholic community has instituted a safe environment program. To volunteer in our church with any young people, you must complete a two-hour seminar workshop.

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